Providing good quality garment
Busana Prima Global is one of garment factory that produce world’s quality of garment. Headquartered in Gunung Putri, Bogor, we conduct business, in 2 branches factory in over 10 years of times. We are engaged in every aspect of the garment production, from import raw material then export the garment back to the country where buyer requested.
Company Roots
We trace our earliest roots to an 1997 where I was just as on of marketing board in a small garment company, which led to the formation of the first office of Busana Perwira Gemilang, in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. That company later became Busana Prima Global, mostly known as BPG-1. Huge formation was set in 1999 along the progress of the company and own the factory and other supporting facilities.
Our 2nd factory then follow the root, World Wear Global located nearby to BPG-1 and known as BPG-2.
Global Scope
Our diverse and highly skilled global workforce consist of more than 2.500 employees. As a company and as individuals, we take great pride in contributing to the communities where we live and work. We also care deeply about the environment and are proud of the many ways in which our employees work to safeguard it.
In 2007, PT. Busana Prima Global produced 6,5 million of garment/year. And the pride not yet stop by we’re achieving acknowledgement of International standard of ISO 9001-2000 and WRAP certificate. We recognize that the world needs best quality of garment we can develop, in every potential form. In ways, our employees work daily to support world’s garment to the most fashionable, update, comfortable wear to power the world.
Jae Han Park
Owner and Presiden Director